K12 Prep Academy Tuition

Tuition and Fees 2021–22 Academic Year
We are now accepting 2021–22 enrollments. Call 844-694-6257 for more information!

K12 Prep Academy is an accredited, private, online school offering affordable payment options to students in grades 9-12. The tuition includes enrollment, all required course materials, access to our education management system, highly qualified teachers and staff, and a challenging curriculum.

Students can enroll full-time and pursue their high school diploma.

Call us for the tuition rates, to see a demonstration of our learning management system, and to sign up for class.

Included Services for All Grades

  • Honors, and foreign language courses (above the 2nd year)
  • Teacher support via email and Teams
  • Progress report every two weeks
  • Quarterly and Semester evaluation
  • Teams chat support
  • Teacher phone calls
  • Synchronized classes and Recorded Sessions
  • Homework help chat
  • Teacher graded assignments
  • Student support services
  • Parent support services
  • Virtual office hours
  • College counseling program
  • Records and transcripts
  • Technical support
  • Diploma upon graduation